Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Across the street, into the woods

It's Christmas Eve, and after breakfast this morning I took a little walk across the street from our house into the woods.  I treasure that there are woods across the street and this close.  Taking a walk in the woods makes me feel small (in a good way) and creative.  I've heard strange bird calls from here and I've seen a gently swinging lantern at night out in these woods.  Wonder who goes walking here at night?......

If you look carefully in the photo above you can see our house in the distance between the trees.

Baby mushrooms...

Merry Christmas!


Sweet Frostings- Spokane, WA

We discovered a local bakery here in Spokane called "Sweet Frostings Blissful Cakeshop."  They have really great shortbread cookies.  I saw this cake while we were there and thought it looked like a fantasy cake! So pretty.

For more information: Sweet Frostings



When we first moved to Spokane, it wasn't long until someone told me about "Greenbluff."  I was like what is "Greenbluff???"

Greenbluff is a region north of Spokane about 45 mins to an hour away that is a collection of 48 FARMS!  You can go during different seasons and harvest the various fruits and vegetables that are ripe during that particular time. 

We've been once so far, and we went with a couple from church.  We happened to go on the busiest day of the year!  Here are some awesome photos of this great area to get your hands dirty a little! :)

In May there are Flowering plants available you can purchase (I can't wait to go!).  In June & July there are fresh strawberries, cherries, raspberries, tomatoes and lavender!  In August, there are apples, cucumbers, peaches, nectarines, corn, prunes, and plums.  In September, there are a lot of things the rabbits would love to eat like carrots, cabbage, grapes, pumpkin, and squash.

For more information visit: Greenbluff


We love Rocket Market in Spokane

I'm getting a little caught up on all my posts since we've moved.  I felt a post about Rocket Market was well worth it.  We were delighted when we first moved here to Spokane about this little market that used to be a gas station.  They carry so many cool specialty items, and they have some damn good quiche!

They have a neat little seating area where you can catch a quick bite to eat.  I see a lot of bike riders stop here after a morning bike ride.

It seems like mostly everything is organic, and they have a lot of LOCAL items too which I appreciate! And I love their hours! They are open till 11pm!

Rocket Market


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