Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

As the New Year of 2011 is here, many people review what they did or perhaps didn't do the year prior.  I feel fortunate that I was able to experience the things I did:

Finished the didactic portion of my anesthesia program
Intubated & learned how to administer anesthesia for the first time
Finished reading "Fearless" by Max Lucado
Traveled to Portland, Oregon with my husband
Got to ski with my husband (and almost killed myself in the process!)
Traveled to Seattle, Washington for the AANA convention
Got to go to yet another National Park: Olympic National Park (w/ my friend of >10 yrs Christina)
Actually camped in a tent in an out of state park
Went Whitewater Rafting (2nd time)
Remodeled a room in my house
Finished a painting I had been working on for two years
Took the SEE Exam and did well
Rescued a homeless cat & found a good home for him
Went to a new Church that is close to my house
Made new friendships that I feel will last well into the future

Seems like a great year, and I already have many goals for this year.  There is a great deal to accomplish, and many changes I must go through if I am to be ready to graduate.  That is perhaps the most exciting thing that may occur this year is that I will actually be graduating "this year."  And now that is is officially 2011, I can actually say that.

I encounter so many things/stories/images/people that inspire me each day.  I feel it to be a waste if I don't document some of that and perhaps share it with others.  And that is exactly what this blog is about: creativeness & inspiration to do what we want to do with our lives.  The pink forest is calling, and I can't wait to see what the future years bring!

xoxo Shannon

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