Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Probably the first time I ever saw needlefelt was in a shop in Bar Harbor, Maine back in 2007.  I immediately fell in love.  You know when you look at art of any kind and your heart starts beating fast.  Your mind races, and it's almost as if you are inside the work understanding every brushstroke, line, or marking.

I had come across something similar to needlefelt prior to this encounter though in Maine.  A magazine one day in Borders bookstore caught my eye.  It was a quiltmaking magazine.  I was truly astounded at what people were/could do with quiltmaking.  I never knew or even dreamed people could make such beautiful pieces of art via quiltmaking processes. 

I think because I have always had a textile fetish, this is why I was taken so quickly with these forms of artmaking.  Below is a wonderfully talented needlefelter (Deebs on etsy) that I came across on etsy.  I can't wait to buy a piece someday, or give one away as a gift.  Love it, Love it, Love it!

xoxo Shannon

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