Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I started running last week.  It all started when I met Roxanna at the gym.  I was waiting for my zumba class to start.  She was on the treadmill.  So I got on the one next to her.  I've never been on a treadmill.  I always looked at them with great disgust and slight confusion.  I'm more of an elliptical kind of gal, biking, or pilates.  Or so I thought.

I quickly realized that this treadmill was giving me quite the workout! More so than most other things I've been doing.  So the next time I went to the gym I got on the treadmill.  This time I did 1 mile.  The next time 2 miles with a 1 minute break in the middle.

Today I did 2.5 miles without stopping!  And I am so happy about it.  I've noticed in just this short time that my endurance has already began to build.  It's not as hard.  And I can push myself further.  I really like this working out thing, the sweating, the fast heart rate, the feeling like I can't stand another second, and then I do.

Years and years and years ago I heard of a runner's high.  I didn't quite get it at the time, but for the first time in my life I feel like I'm beginning to get a little hint of that.  And my music play list really assists me.  I think I had the most intense moment yesterday at the end of 2 miles while listening to Nine Inch Nails- Give up.

Two Decembers ago- I saw the most beautiful runner at Memorial Park I had ever seen.  It was like she was galloping.  She made it look so easy and she was so full of energy.  I really like watching graceful runners.  But now that I am actually doing this- my little shuffle is beginning to look more like a run.  And I'm really liking it.

One day I dream of running through thick forests.....

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