Saturday, April 9, 2011

Window Gardens

I love the idea of window gardens, but I haven't seen very many of them in real life.  Seems like it would definitely be a weekend project with a lot of pre-planning.  But it could be done!  I think it must have all begun as a child for me.  Our kitchen sink had a big window over it that I used to stare out of as I did the dishes.  The window actually looked out over into the front yard from quite a height.  I always loved that, but it's unusual to find a house like that though anyway.

1 comment:

  1. These are more common out west. Just get through school and you will be able to build or ad on to an existing house with all the little things that cater to you. Such as built in little rabbit tunnels connecting all the rooms, a scratch pad wall for cats and a sun room bustling with plants and large open windows to view the alpacas and no neighbors so you can always be naked. ;-) haha


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