Friday, June 17, 2011

angry people

 "Do you want your happiness to depend on whether other people act the way you want them to act? Or do you want your happiness to come from your ability to respond to life in harmony with what you value?"

No, not really, is my response.
The world I work in seems to be surrounded by people who are constantly trying to blame others for one thing or another.  This is even when nothing has gone wrong.  But when something does go wrong,, boy do people want to point fingers.
Today, someone tried to blame me for something when really they had done it themselves.  At first in my head I was about to defend myself, but then I just decided that I had both the power & the skills to fix what they had messed up and that I wasn't going to argue with this person about how they had just lost this line when they were drawing blood from it.
A lot of this happens though- this kind of compensation all the time- and I wonder if that too will eventually take its' toll on people. 
I know when I have to compensate all the time for someone even if it's just in a relationship- it is tiring.
Oh well, I am surrounded by lots of angry people all the time- but that is their problem not mine.

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