Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's True

I have a love affair with shoes.  I find it very interesting how many women share this same obsession.  I've always been like this.  And recently I went shopping, which is rare, but I did.  I got, I think 5 pairs of shoes at once.  I guess the stars aligned that day.  I now have 47 pairs of shoes (I just counted yesterday for the first time ever).  On this recent shopping trip, I bought my first pair of white shoes ever!  I think I am starting to branch out with what I like :)

Comfortable & Practical
Sexy & Sophisticated
 Sookie? My husband says....

Clean & Stylish

And my very favorite of all! I saw these a few weeks before I actually  bought them, and was under the impression they did not have them in my size.  But when I happened to go shopping again, I found them unexpectedly in my size!  The even stranger thing is that ALL my life I have always hated hated hated animal prints, but for some reason I love these!

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