Monday, September 5, 2011

Abbey Pub

I never knew you could have so much fun at the Abbey Pub.  But apparently you can especially when you're with Shelley, David, and Patrick my honey.

It all started with plans to help Shelley unpack her house.  We've been friends forever, since like before the 1st grade, and this is her and her husbands very 1st house! So exciting.  But then we got hungry.  I had made them a pie earlier in the day.....

But we wanted a real meal, so we made our way to Victor's Mexican Restaurant.  As predicted by Shelley, since we were in such close proximity to the Abbey Pub...David suggested we go there next, which we did....and we all had a BLAST!  Can't wait to do it again, but I hope next time we go on kareoke night!

Trying to hold it in...
What are we laughing at? Not quite sure...
Time for a breather..
And round two...

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