Friday, September 2, 2011

Pedi for the first time

Today was my first time doing pedi anesthesia essentially alone...being left alone.  And I actually liked it! I did kids of all ages, 12 yrs, 5 yrs, 17 months, 6 yrs.... with all kinds of different problems.  It was all so exciting....and my heart felt all mushy as I carried the 17 month old back & as I held the mask on his little face as I watched the variety of facial expressions he made, N20 mixed with O2 mixed with Sevo mixed with cotton candy smells....

I'm surprised I like it actually!  I would probably possibly want to do pedi anesthesia when I get out if it weren't for the fact that I feel it would be to specialized and limited in getting experience for later when I want to move....oh's nice to be surprised by liking it though!

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