Saturday, February 4, 2012

Artist Ann Hamilton

So of a different flavor, artist Ann Hamilton may be unlike anything you've ever seen before.

It took me a while back in the 1990's to really appreciate installation art and/or performance art. But now I totally love it.

I came across Ann Hamilton's work via a documentary which I must say helps you experience the work way better than this simple photo below.

The piece below is just one of many by Ann Hamilton. This one is entitled: myein from 1999 meaning "to close the eyes or mouth."

The piece consists of a reconstructed version of the United States pavilion. Inside, around the perimeter of the room, a constant flow of very fine, fuscia powder falls from the ceiling over walls covered in Braille. You can't touch the Braille nor read it, so this makes it untangible for the viewer. What is tangible though, is the constant whispering of the recordings of Abraham Lincoln’s second Inaugural Address spoken in phonetic code.

Simply amazing.

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