Saturday, July 7, 2012

The 4th

How was your 4th of July? We usually don't do anything special. But this year, I could tell a few days prior that I kind of had an itch to do something & to entertain. I didn't take any pictures, and we didn't go see fireworks (or even hear them), but we did do something even better.

We picked a meal and made it together, then celebrated with close friends. What was great about it was how spontaneous and last minute it all was. :) Patrick used a special rub on chicken and then grilled it along with venison sausage. I grilled asparagus, mushrooms, and corn on the cob. We made sweet potato fries, and warm biscuits with homemade garlic butter.

It was a great evening :) It's great to be in a free nation. And it's wonderful to just get together and hang out over a nice meal with good friends. The 4th also marked the day that I moved my newly built table from scrap wood to the backyard, and for the first time saw all of my lovely wine boxes sitting on the table for the very first time. It's a great feeling to see your original idea that you've been working hard on finally take shape right before your eyes. I am very pleased!

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