Friday, February 15, 2013

Surprise date

I was busy organizing and hanging stored away art and photos on the wall when I took a quick seat at my desk to check my email. I have many "favorites" filed in my Bookmarks, but I have one called CultureMap Houston that I have only been to once before.

I saved it under my Personal folder which is where I keep my email and some of the social media websites I tend to visit more often, but this one CultureMap Houston-strange I would place it here when I've only been to it once before.

I clicked on it tonight and within a couple clicks and a couple minutes I found something
screaming my name for my husband: "hotdogs & beer."

So I looked up the address of this must eat place called Moon-Tower Inn and threw my fuzzy hat on, went upstairs and told Patrick I had a surprise for him and that he would need his jacket. Within 20 mins there we were standing in line outside in a dark yard ordering beer and hotdogs. Patrick was more than pleasantly surprised and we found a cozy spot next to one of the three outdoor fires.

Luckily, because Patrick and I have been going on picnics lately we had a fluffy blanket in my car to wrap around us and talk while we waited for our wild boar hotdog that we ended up sharing. Perfect Surprise date night for us. :)

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