Monday, March 14, 2011

What would happen if

you read every single one of these books....


  1. Do I get to choose what kind they are? If they are biographies, that would be awesome for me!

    PS- It's nice to meet you. You said you know Traci? She is one of my dearest friends! And you said that you wear scrubs? Are you a RNA? That is incredible! I'm just a regular ol' RN.

  2. Hey Brittany! Biographies would be wonderful. I think you can learn a lot from reading other people's life stories, don't you think?

    I *just* met traci a couple of weeks ago, but I had been following her photography for a few years. She is such a wonderful photographer, as are you!

    I am finishing my masters in nurse anesthesia at Baylor. I graduate in Dec. and will be a CRNA. Can't wait to be done and start living life! :)

    Pleased to meet you. Have a joyful day!


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