Saturday, May 14, 2011


Have you ever been on a roadtrip?
I've been on a few.  Probably the longest lasting about a week or a little more.
But each one had some kind of pre-planned destination or itinerary.

The best and most desirable and most fun thing I can think of doing right now is going on a completely random and unplanned roadtrip.

In fact, I think it is my next obsession.  Meaning, my next obsession after CRNA school.

And perhaps the surprising thing is that I want to do it poorly, without conventional luxury, and without any direction.  This is probably due to the fact that my life right now is completely based on planning & time constraints.  It has been this way now for years & years.  Each minute of my day it seems is planned minute to minute, or at least each minute has an assignment already determined for it before the minute ever has a chance to happen.

I've talked to my husband about this.  This roadtrip of sorts.  I just want to get in the car with as little as possible, like a backback. And just drive.

Drive anywhere.  Stop anywhere.  For however long.  With no plan.

Wouldn't this be nice?
To some this may seem unobtainable.  What about work? bills? your responsibilities? How can you drop everything and just go off for a month or two or three?

But I believe you can really make anything quite possible in life.  And afterall this is your life.  And you only have one of those, my friend.

I think the opportunity is presenting itself next early spring and I will take it.

Below are some inspiring photos, all by the lovely Jess Gough.

the land between here and mountains


  1. I 100% agree. I feel like actually selling all my stuff and house because it weighs me down like an anchor. Life is so short. It an impulsive feeling has become more and more constant. Whether I'm that fanatical or not we'll see. The problem is getting my husband to jump on the band wagon with me. We are so blessed and I want to go places and help people along the way. We are going to practice living off of what his retirement income will be so that we can be reassured that we can survive and live. God has given me so much and I feel like I'm wasting my life by not giving back in one form or another. I don't know. . .I just don't know. Life is weird sometimes but I always feel honored.

  2. I agree Maria. Ya'll should. Maybe go overseas and do something with volunteer work.


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