Monday, September 5, 2011

Audrey Niffenegger

What a neat name, huh?  Well, it's been quite some time now that I've figured out I like illustration, although when I was younger I wasn't interested at all.  It has always confused me that I feel compelled to make all different kinds of art in all different kinds of mediums.....almost as if this were a bad thing.

But whenever I see artists create in a variety of different mediums and styles- I get happy. 
My latest find is Audrey Niffenegger, and you can find more of her wonderful & varied work here.
Below are some of my favorites to enjoy! :) The last image of this set I saw many, many years ago in a 2nd hand bookstore...I wanted to get the book so badly, but I didn't...and here I come across it again almost a decade later.

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