Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's 2012 Austin

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

We were in Austin celebrating with close friends the coming of the new year. I have celebrated the coming of years in many different ways, sometimes at parties, some outside, some watching movies, and other years I just slept right through it....but this year was certainly different. It marked the ending of my life as a "graduate student," and the beginning of what I feel like is "the rest of my life."

So what will you do this coming year? How will you make the most of it? What will you do differently? What will you do the same?

Will you laugh more?

Smile more?

Stretch more?

Party more?

Connect more?

So here is to us, and here is to you, that we reflect on what we are & should be thankful for...that we reveal to ourselves what we have learned in the last year. I have learned that patience and perseverance are "key" to so many endeavors. I am incredibly grateful for my husband and my family and quality friends. May we learn to help others each and everyday in some small or large way.

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” –Jim Rohn

1 comment:

  1. I love how you take your life events and pictures and turn them into something more, makes it a joy to read these posts.

    Keep 'em coming.

    Regarding New Year's resolutions and the like... just thinking about it frustrates the hell out of me. Reasons why (if you're curious) can be discussed in a different forum at a later date (of your choosing).

    Let's talk soon =)


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