Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Green Smoothie

Ever dream of not eating meat? Drastically changing your diet to become vegan? Eating better (more vegetables & fruit), and having more energy?
I do all the time- but perhaps it is more practical to take baby steps....

I came across a great article about a local chef & vegan that lives right here in Houston! Her name is Pat Greer.
Her kitchen called Pat Greer's Kitchen is located near downtown at:

412 W. Clay St.
Houston, TX 77019

Here is one of her recipes for a GREEN SMOOTHIE!
I think I will try this in the morning....

1-2 bananas
4-6 leaves of kale
Fresh ginger
whatever citrus you have available
1 quart of water

Blend, blend, blend

more @ Pat Greer

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