Monday, March 12, 2012

30th Birthday

As usual I can't seem to decide between camping or B&B stay for my 30th Birthday. My heart is set on the destination, and the weather is working out beautifully...but to camp or to stay in a B&B that is the question....


  1. My 2 cents: you love nature, nature's your baby.. BUT. If it were me, I would want a comfortable, relaxing place to rest my head at night. You can always do hiking and nature trails during the day.

    Either way, it sounds like you're gonna have a wonderful birthday =) I wonder if I should try and plan something for mine or just see what happens or if anyone does anything for me... =/

  2. You should plan something for yourself. That's what I did. I have made reservations! I can't wait to share....but want to wait till it happens!


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