Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Personal Retreat- Gardening

Lately I've been doing a lot of gardening. Back in January I planted sunflower seeds and wildflower seeds in my front yard. Now we are enjoying the beautiful displays of giant yellow sunflowers. It is so lovely to drive into my community everyday and see all the beautiful sunflowers, many of them taller than me! In fact since my house is the first house when you enter the community....everyone sees them!

I also started some projects in my backyard. So far I have been working on the right side of my yard where it is shady. All the plants I chose for that area had to be shade loving plants so I really had to do my homework on those as I have no experience with shade loving plants.

The fountain I installed is lovely because when you are in the kitchen or even upstairs on the second story if you have any of the windows open you can enjoy the sounds of the water as well as all of the birds that come to my backyard because of the many bird feeders we have. It's coming along great and I can't wait to share the next parts of my plan for the rest of the yard!

1 comment:

  1. two comments:

    1- Sunflowers may very well be my absolute favorite flower. They're just so big and bold and positive. It's the most extroverted flower I know, hehe

    2- One of my fav things about you is that no matter what you have (or haven't) achieved, accomplished, completed, etc..., you always seem to have a plan for more =)


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