Thursday, June 28, 2012

Artists & Illustration- Becca Stadlander

I've been in an artist's slump for a long time now while I pursued other things in life that demanded too much time from me in order to keep "making." But because I did not create, I never felt whole.

I'm in a nesting stage right now. And what I mean by that is I'm getting ready. It might seem strange that I must "get ready" in order to make art, but I guess when you've been away so long....I feel it is necessary. I even took my art website down. I am ready to start over.

Ever since I was a child, "art" or "ideas"...."images" have flashed in my mind....all the time.....when I'm driving, when I'm doing in between. I don't have to try...or even think. Sometimes the images come to me repeatedly over the years as if they are waiting to come be realized. There is no point in writing them down because the persistent ones always haunt me.

What I find interesting is that I know this happens for other artists. One of the challenges I face that my images...ideas...and thoughts are all over the place..and very very very VARIED.

I'm attracted to a vast array of styles...and MEDIUMS. This is a problem if I were trying to create a "body of work." But for now...I think I will just let my heart to whatever it desires. :)

I recently told my husband I was interested in illustration. He was surprised by this, as am I. But below is a delightful illustration artist I recently discovered. When I look at work like makes my heart smile and fills me with the feeling of comfort. I think I must like this because it is very different from many of my works which are surreal, sometimes dark with hints of the sexual side.
I wouldn't mind, one day trying my hand at something like illustration...something "just because" something innocent and not so deep.

behold the work of Becca Stadlander...

Becca Stadlander's Art Website

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