Thursday, July 5, 2012

Anthropologie & Rebecca Rebouche

It seems wherever I go today I am constantly inspired by everything I come across! First I was at the hairdressor getting my hair bleached (a chore as far as I am concerned), where I was looking at a magazine.

There were so many great articles in this magazine that were just so inspiring! One was about a woman in LA who quit her day job and took up full time gardening in her backyard of only half an acre.

She would sell the beautiful flowers she grew and vegetables at a local Farmer's Market. Soon enough though, the neighbors started noticing all the plants, and actually instituted a law that was from 1946 saying this woman couldnt sell her "backyard produce." Long story short, she fought it and WON!

She came out stronger and better in the end, and she has many supporters. There are even people offering her space in there backyards for her to grow more flowers & plants so she can sell more at the Farmer's Markets (since there is such high demand).

Just goes to show you there will alays be negative sources trying to pull you down (which I can't believe someone would be mad or angry about another human growing plants), but oh well- you must perservere.

This video below is from my *favorite* store Anthropologie, and I just love this video and artist. Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome story. Glad you shared it. And yea, why the hell would ANYONE have a problem with someone growing flowers? Probably extreme jealousy. Her yard looked a hellofalot better than everyone else's. Still, that's just sad.


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