Tuesday, August 21, 2012

shitty ass day

So I'm going to complain. Yes I know I'm complaining but today was just so fucked- one thing after another- I'm so glad it is basically over.

Everything that could have gone wrong did. First, there was an incredible amount of traffic this morning so much so that I had to go an alternate way through downtown and was 10 mins late to work (the traffic was so bad even a coworker that comes from the heights as well said something bc he dealt with the same thing)- gotta love Houston!

My first case was easy enough but then the 2nd things started going wrong- not to go into a ton of details but 4/4 twitches & full reversal adequate tv and head lift and then bam still WEAK. Ok.... Great.

Next, I'm eargerly waiting for my morning break so I can go down to sacc to see one of my best friends and her dad who just had surgery and by the time I get my am break at 10:40 they are gone.

Next, almost unnoticed infiltrated IV placed by someone else- but I discovered in time thank God- seriously and everything is ok (I'm really lucky thankful I found it despite the both arms covered in tight sheets w mountains of tape).

Oh and did I mention this all led to my art line and both iv's not working- ya- oh and no etco2 monitoring hooked up- no new Mac 4 blade and suction not working when I come in the room- yap- but I caught all these things bc when you r a CRNA you learn to personally check all these things yourself bc guess what you can't trust anyone!

Oh and a certain someone is calling in the room harassing me through the nurse asking if I hv the ore-op for some other pt. all during the heat of the moment w my losing my pulse ox and art line readings. Perfect timing!

Luckily everything is ok w all that, and it really could hv been a lot worse.

Next I continue to feel like physical shit as I battle this infection or whatever is wrong w me and can't wait to go to the doctor Thursday- which is the absolute soonest they could see me. Meanwhile I'm in this kind of steady state constant dull pain.

I finally go to lunch to discover the soup in my lunch bag has somehow leaked out of an imaginary hole and soaked everything else in the bag- now not only is half my soup gone but all my other food is ruined and I'm disgusted so I basically don't eat.

On my way home through rush hour traffic here in Houston- I try to mk it to the pharmacy to pick up medicine-yet every street I encounter won't let me take a fucking left hand turn!!!!

I go to whole foods and despite them having 50 kinds of tea they have NO tea filters!!!! Only coffee- and no they aren't the same thing nor are they interchangeable.

And finally I come home and my husband is sick w a cold (cough, sore throat) which his friend also has that they probably contracted from being packed like sardines at an iron maiden concert this past weekend. I am destined to get whatever he has on top of my current problem I have that I am anxiously waiting till Thursday to see if any permanent damage has been done.

It sounds like I am pretty miserable, but really I'm not. These days come & go. And we all learn from these things. It's just the way it is...a decision I made over a year ago is now proving to me that I made the wrong decision- that I should hv listened to the one side of me- but I over rationalized- I've become very good at rationalizing, but it clouds me. Thus now I have something I can't wait to get rid of...And I'm finding our bodies actually speak to us telling us what they need or don't need. I just have been over rationalizing all this time.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

like bermuda highway

Joanna Concejo

I recently discovered this artist through another blog I follow- and I really love her illustrations. This piece I particularly love b/c the blue is so rich against the grey, and I love it when artists use "found objects' such as this envelope.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


We just did out very first cooking class at Central Market. The class was called "Hatch-tastic" and every meal involved the famous hatch chili pepper from Hatch, New Mexico!

Here is what we made:

Crab cakes w/ roasted hatch pepper & corn chutney
Grilled quail w/ hatch pepper hash
Summer herb orzo salad
Chocolate mousse w/ roasted hatch peppers & drunken berries

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lunch & Dinner

Fresh cherries
Habanero roasted pistachios
Habanero cheese

Stuffed portobello w mozzarella & spinach
Roasted eggplant

Monday, August 6, 2012

Stuffed Bell Peppers

Tonight I made stuffed bell peppers. For some reason lately I've been wanting stuffed bell peppers, even though I've only had it once before. I made this without a recipe and it turned out great!

The bell peppers are stuffed with the following:

ground sirloin (seasoned w/ taco mix and fresh serrano peppers)
red onion
wild rice
Hatch Chili Pepper cheese!

shelled peas on the side in a chicken broth

It turned out great and I really liked it. It's even healthy.

Saturday, I made homemade tomato sauce with two kinds of meatballs:

spicy italian sausage
beef w/ garlic, onion, basil, thyme, sage, and italian spices

crispy brussel sprouts on the side w/ extra virgin olive oil (5 kind pepper)


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Patrick's birthday surprise- yum-yum helps wrap

Homemade Tomato Sauce

w/ two kinds of meatballs (spicy Italian sausage & lean beef w onions, fresh basil, thyme, and Italian seasonings).

Crispy Brussel sprouts on the sides w 5 kinds of fresh ground pepper.

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