Saturday, March 2, 2013

Catnip & 70's Blankets

I felt like I got so much done (exploring & creativity), yet slept in late. I took all three cats outside in the sunny cold and eventually Yum-Yum found the catnip plant. Here are photos of her radical excitement:
After they wore themselves out. I found them later all placed tiered....on soft, fluffy 70's Blankets: 
And Schmizel discovering the Bulbine earlier in the day:  
Butters interested in the bar-b-q grill:
  I went to a small art festival in the Heights that happens once a month on the first saturday. It's located off 19th street. I wandered through the small 10 x 10 ft booths looking at each artists work. It's an awkward interaction or lack of interaction, walking into each booth, making eye contact with each artists as if non-verbally asking permission to take a glimpse into their world. And if by not showing enough interest, or a lack of questions, or not enough they think that I don't like their work? On each entrance I was the first to say hello, which I thought was very strange, but nevertheless enjoyed my walk through such a varied group of artists and mediums. Next I went to Aurora Studios (also in the Heights). They were having an open house to see all of their artists studios and work. They do this once a month, also on the first Sat. of each month. I was surprised by the rest of such small studios, hardly enough room to do anything in....$300 per month. Again, there was such a range of mediums and techniques. You could see and hear some of the artists talking to various people. They seemed so eccentric, so relaxed. In the distance I could hear soulful, comforting music playing.
 I left and as I drove down Aurora street I caught a glimpse of a house I knew I had been to before, so long ago. My memory immediately identified it as a barber shop I had taken my Papa to back in 2000 for a haircut. It seemed to me he had been there before. There was a strange old picture of a little boy in the window with his hair cut that seemed to look as if it was from three decades ago. Today it was still in the window. That day, 13 years ago, we had left the barber shop, and I think the cost of my Papa's haircut must have been like $4 or maybe they didn't even charge him since he was in his 80's and had been going for so long. Afterwards we went to the zoo. I pushed him around in his wheelchair. I'm not sure how much he enjoyed going. So today, this all came back flooding into me in seconds. I snapped this photo, and then as I drove past I could see the barber sitting in a chair in front of the window just staring out.

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