Sunday, January 9, 2011

Deer Isle, Maine

My first visit to Maine in the summer of 2007, and my second visit in the summer of 2009 left a deep impression on me.  I think Maine will forever be a special and magical place in my heart.  I feel as if I will forever want to be there.

There are many islands that dot the coast of Maine.  Each time I went, we stayed on Mount Desert Island.  I beautiful and magical place.  They have amazing hiking trails, wonderful kayaking, and the range of smells can only be found there.

I came across a book there full of amazing photographs of Maine throughout the seasons.  And since I've only been there during the summer, I am very curious about the other seasons.  Especially, the winter season.  The book, I did not get the first time I saw it, and of course regretted this later.  Two years later, I ended up getting it as a Christmas gift. 

One of my favorite photos are of two deer, on an island called Deer Isle.  I love the image as the composition is very unique and the deer look as if they have been superimposed, but in opposite directions.

In fact most of the photographys from this book: Maine: The Seasons, By: Terrell S. Lester- "book here" are taken on the island Deer Isle.  My interest in this place called Deer Isle has been growing ever since.

Below is a map of the location of Deer Isle off the coast of Maine, and in relation to Mount Desert Island.

"Deer Isle is located in Maine's Penobscot Bay and is the second largest Island along the Maine Coast. Only Mt. Desert Island, located just 9 miles to the northeast., is larger. Life on Deer Isle is quite different then it is on Mt. Desert Island; there are few tourist and the villages have remained the save much as there were in years gone past.. There are no fast food joints, big box stores or bars; which makes the area a great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the typical tourist areas. The town was incorporated in 1789."

xoxo Shannon

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