Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Andrew Wyeth

My mother wrote to me in a book once to never give up on my dreams, never give up on my art.  The book was an Andrew Wyeth art book entitled "The Helga Pictures."

I don't remember at the time what I thought about the book or the art content.  I was too young and immature to appreciate still life or even portraits.  Now, of course when I look at these paintings I am blown away at their beauty, the brush strokes, the strands of hair, the lighting, it is so magical.

This book is such a cherished item of mine.  It is the only art book I ever remember getting from my mom.  In the pages scattered through the book she has written many things to me here & there.  Occasionally, she underlined text in the book.

I don't know how it is possible to be drawn to such a place so strongly over & over.  I could spend the rest of every moment of my life in Maine and never regret it.

The house in Maine, Andrew Wyeth

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

In the month of August

"There is no room in my life for self-deception, judgement, pettiness, manipulation or self-consciousness. I don't worry about how I am perceived, but instead realize my vast potential, and I am making a commitment to myself to do whatever it necessary to achieve my dreams. Loving myself and taking care of my body and health is what it is all about for me."

said by the wonderful Goldie :)

This should be my mantra, as it seems I am surrounded by people that are so insecure about themselves they must make negative comments about others all the time, poke so-called jokes when really they are not jokes at all but since they don't have the balls to insult directly (or completely directly) they disguise their insults as jokes.  Remember to be genuine.

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