Sunday, December 25, 2011

the horses are coming...

It's Christmas. I'm listening to B.B. King- Japanese Boogie (Live) version, which I can't seem to find on YouTube. It is an awesome song. This has been an "awesome" year as well. It has flown by, but at many times could not seem to go fast enough for me. I am happy. I am elated. I am delightful. I can't believe at times that next week is my last week of school, and that next week the world will be celebrating the new year (with me in it). I am thankful for so much- way too much to list. A few days ago I was overcome with all the things I want to do. I am SO EXCITED to be rejoining society (my life)- to NOT be in school. I frantically listed so many things I am looking forward to.... there are a few that rise to the top of the list almost instantaneously--- friends, family, God, art, traveling I could go on and on- but don't wish to share here. I want to help people. The other day I witnessed the simplest and kindest gesture on the street. A white homeless man walked by with his cardboard sign. A black man employed at Popeye's Chicken ran out of Popeye's yelling (so loud I heard it over my blasting music in my car) He practically chased the homeless man down the street- The homeless man turned and started to walk towards the Popeye's employee holding out a Coca-Cola... I saw the most genuine, yet slightly embarrased smile glowing from the white homeless mans face, his matted hair bouncing about. It was so great, happened so quickly, and almost made me cry. I smiled all the way home. I want to help people, and I am looking forward to 2012!!! Merry Christmas the horses are coming the new year is almost here!

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