Thursday, December 22, 2011

Photographer Tim Walker

The very first photo I ever encountered of fashion photographer Tim Walker was the first screen shot you see below in the video: the lighted dresses hanging from a magically beautiful tree. I must admit it surprised me at first that Tim Walker is known as a fashion photographer. To me, his work seems more like fine art and surrealism mixed into one delightful mess. I don't know much about fashion or even photography for that matter. My photography training has barely scratched the surface of what I want to know, but in my teen years I had a brief introduction to fashion and backed away from it feeling confused and questioning the pure value of it....Where is its' place in society? How important is it? How deep of an impact can it make? Is it too superficial? selfish? I still don't know the answers to these questions, but undoubtedbly I find these fashion photographs some of the most stimulating and beautiful photographs of fashion that I have come across.

Untitled from TWalker on Vimeo.

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