Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Her handwriting looked nothing like I ever expected

when i look at these photos
she always looks so beautiful
but I can see the so called imperfections
that she would distaste

and that I would distatse in myself
how we fail to value ourselves
to enjoy ourselves

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Quote of the day- Risks

“You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.”

~Paulo Coelho

Monday, February 13, 2012

Quote of the day- First day as a CRNA

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

~Paulo Coelho

First day of work today peoples! It's been oh such a long road it seems, but here I am.

Quote of the day- Confusion

“Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.”

~ Paulo Coelho

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Quote of the day- Life

“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”

― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Quote of the day- Love

“We say we love flowers, yet we pluck them. We say we love trees, yet we cut them down. And people still wonder why some are afraid when told they are loved.”

~ unknown

Friday, February 10, 2012

Quote of the day- Vanity

“We are so vain that we even care for the opinion of those we don't care for.”

~ Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Quote of the day- Memories

“Remember me and smile, for it's better to forget than remember me and cry.”

~unknown (irony)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Recycle Recycle Recycle

So I just started recycling now since I've been out of school (I know, I know, I'm a little behind), but better late than never!

I set up my recycling bin in my pantry, and a smaller one in my main bathroom. I have been simply amazed at all the things I would normally throw away, but now I get really excited because I get to put it in the recycle bin.

To make things easier as far as organization goes, I use a paper bag or cat litter paper bag for paper goods, and plastic bags for plastic.

Yay for recycling!

"Praying" by Mary Oliver

It doesn't have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention, then patch

a few words together and don't try
to make them elaborate, this isn't
a contest but the doorway

into thanks, and a silence in which
another voice may speak.

Photo by Shannon Clark

Quote of the day- Love

“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”

~Mother Teresa

Green Smoothie

Ever dream of not eating meat? Drastically changing your diet to become vegan? Eating better (more vegetables & fruit), and having more energy?
I do all the time- but perhaps it is more practical to take baby steps....

I came across a great article about a local chef & vegan that lives right here in Houston! Her name is Pat Greer.
Her kitchen called Pat Greer's Kitchen is located near downtown at:

412 W. Clay St.
Houston, TX 77019

Here is one of her recipes for a GREEN SMOOTHIE!
I think I will try this in the morning....

1-2 bananas
4-6 leaves of kale
Fresh ginger
whatever citrus you have available
1 quart of water

Blend, blend, blend

more @ Pat Greer

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Artist Bruno Mercier

I have no idea how I came across this talented photographer, but his photographs of trees are by far what has captivated me most.

He calls this series the "Littoral" series meaning "close to the sea." I love places that are "coastal" or in close proximity to the sea.

More of Bruno Mercier's work can be found at the following

These two Puppies need a home- Houston, TX

A friend of mine who is a wildlife rehabilitator found these two adorable puppies in a ditch near Houston.

We are looking for a good home for these two puppies where they can stay TOGETHER. They are well behaved when together and are even POTTY trained.

Please, if you are not personally interested in adopting these two dogs- please pass on the word to help find these babies a good loving home! Thanks :)

An adventurous night

Photo by Shannon Clark

Quote of the day- Creativity

“The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” ~Albert Einstein

I'm not sure I agree with the above quote. I see no point in mixing creativity with something you have to hide. I think things or art people create are ultimitely a mixture of both forces that come from within as well as influences that surround the individual. I heard an artist say a long time ago that they had to separate themselves from other artists they strongly were drawn to in order to avoid being too heavily influenced by their work. I agree with this wholeheartedly.

Image- "Lily 1" Spring 2008 by Shannon Clark

Monday, February 6, 2012

Artist Brendan Flanagan

Kind of creepy, kind of abstract, but delightful and unlike any painting style I've ever seen! This Canadian painter is sure to be something you've not seen before.


"Untitled"- 2008 by Shannon Clark

Quote of the Day- Seasons

"Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each."

~Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Artist Beverley Ashe

And on with the painting! This is the kind of art I never had to try to like, or even look back twice. I loved it from first glance.

I've had the work of this painter in my favorites for years now. I see she has had no shows in 2011 though, and there is not as much work displayed on her website.

Still, there are a few impressions that knock me in the face right away. Even though I love this work and like to look at it, there is something undeniably disturbing about the content.

The artist has chosen to place this quote on her website....I think it explains it all!

"If all this is really a dream, then I might as well spend it trying to look at what scares me.....instead of running away." ~Pema Chodron

Quote of the day- Dreams

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."

~Edgar Allan Poe

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Artist Ann Hamilton

So of a different flavor, artist Ann Hamilton may be unlike anything you've ever seen before.

It took me a while back in the 1990's to really appreciate installation art and/or performance art. But now I totally love it.

I came across Ann Hamilton's work via a documentary which I must say helps you experience the work way better than this simple photo below.

The piece below is just one of many by Ann Hamilton. This one is entitled: myein from 1999 meaning "to close the eyes or mouth."

The piece consists of a reconstructed version of the United States pavilion. Inside, around the perimeter of the room, a constant flow of very fine, fuscia powder falls from the ceiling over walls covered in Braille. You can't touch the Braille nor read it, so this makes it untangible for the viewer. What is tangible though, is the constant whispering of the recordings of Abraham Lincoln’s second Inaugural Address spoken in phonetic code.

Simply amazing.

Quote of the day- Silence & Nature

The silence of nature is very real.
It surrounds you, you can feel it.

-Ted Trueblood

Friday, February 3, 2012

Photographer Alison Shaw

Have you ever had a certain place tucked away in your mind that you know at some point you just have to go to?

That's how I feel about Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard. I think my obsession with Cape Cod began sometime back in 2006 when I came across an article about Mary Oliver and how she has spent her life living and writing in Cape Cod. I fell in love with her story and the seemingly simplistic way of life there.

Somehow, through my fascination with Cape Cod I came across the lovely work of photographer Alison Shaw who lives and works in Martha's Vineyard. Below are images from her studio and surrounding area.

Quote of the day- Nature

Each moment of the year has its own beauty,
a picture which was never before and shall never be seen again.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Quote of the day- Simple Living

Frugality is one of the most beautiful and joyful words in the English language, and yet one that we are culturally cut off from understanding and enjoying. The consumption society has made us feel that happiness lies in having things, and has failed to teach us the happiness of not having things. ~Elise Boulding

Artist Alexander Jansson

If you would have asked me when I was 16 or 18 or even 22 if I liked illustration or animation, I would have responded with a decisive "NO".

But now and for quite a while now I find myself really enjoying it, and seeing the beauty and intricacy of this artform.

I have grown to appreciate the sometimes lightheartedness of it all. And so I leave you with a taste of the wonderfully talented Swedish artist: Alexander Jansson!

"Monsters in a flying hat"

"Monster daddys new bike"

"The traveling mute singers"

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Artist Abelardo Morell

Below are two images from Abelardo Morell featuring
his unique Camera Obscura method.

These are absolutely beautiful and stunning in all aspects.

Wouldn't it be unforgettable to spend just one night in a room like this?

This art can be experienced not only by looking at photographs of these installations but by being there too.

More of his work can be viewed at his website:

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