Friday, June 29, 2012

What's a typical day like for you?

This was a question I read in an interview Illustration Mundo did with artist & illustrator Becca Stadlander. I was just a WAY jealous when I read this answer.

Please describe a typical day

I get up in the morning, make coffee, and sit down at my desk to check my mail and take care of Etsy orders. I usually have either commissioned or personal work, so I end up painting all day into the evening. If I need a break, I have a snack and some tea, read my favorite blogs and occasionally go for a walk around the neighborhood. Sometimes I work really late into the night and do errands during the day. It just depends on how I feel. The freedom to make my own schedule is almost too good to be true. I listen to music, podcasts, and books on tape while I work, and sometimes a show or movie if it’s not too distracting.

What is your working environment like?

My studio is at home, situated in a cheerful corner of my apartment with three large windows. I try to keep things pretty organized, but by the end of the day I still end up with paint all over my hands and post-its everywhere. There is an old wooden farm table I use for a desk with drawers and compartments on top for all my materials and trinkets. Flat file drawers hold my papers, records and originals, and my books are kept at arm’s reach in a doily printed shelf from ikea. My desk chair is starting to pull up the finish on the floor, and my cup of coffee is often confused with the jar of paint water.

Taken from Illustration Mundo. Full interview can be seen here:
Full Interview

But of course this answer and my reaction got me thinking...what is holding you back from living and being the life you want to be? Your (our) life is a series of choices we as individuals make. And we only have so much time, so why not do what you want to do. Woudln't you be best at the things you want to do?

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