Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wyoming, Teton National Park, Yellowstone

I had been wanting to visit Teton National Park ever since 2010 when I desperately went to a bookstore to look at magazines to escape the mental horrors of CRNA school.  I found an article in a magazine about a woman that escaped her busy and hectic life in LA, and instead opted to move to a small red cabin in Wilson, Wyoming.  It seemed perfect to me at the time, and I wanted to be her at that moment. Hence, my new found obsession with visiting the Tetons and all they had to offer.

And when you land in Jackson and get off your tiny plane...this is what you see.  You can't help, but stand there and just stare, breathe in all the clean air, and then remember to take out your camera or cell phone and snap a shot (as if you know you won't ever see it again).

The Bentwood Bed & Breakfast

Making our way to Teton National Park...

Jackson Square

Making it to Yellowstone....

In Yellowstone....

And more....many more photos...

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