Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas on Paradise Prairie

Yesterday, I drove all of about one mile around the corner from my house to go to an annual fundraising event.  One of my neighbors told me about it, and it sounded like so much fun (because animals were involved), and it was to raise money for charity.  So I went by myself since Patrick was gone out of town for one night on business.

Here is the sign that they also put up at the local grocery store highlighting the event.
When I arrived there was a man in a field along with a lot of other vehicles to help guide me on where to park.  In the distance I could see a warm and inviting fire with people standing around it.
From this point, a tractor decorated with Christmas lights followed by a flatbed with hay barrels in it took you on a hay-ride across the farm to the back where all the events were taking place.

Luckily, there were even more fire circles to stand and get warm.  There were multiple "causes" to donate to such as: The Salvation Army, Toys for Tots, and Educate Rwanda among others.

There was even live music.  A band of instrument players were playing classical Christmas music.  It was so calming to sit on the hay out in the forest and listen to this beautiful music with the smells of hot cocoa and fir in the air.

And lastly, my favorite part: The Petting Zoo! They had a baby camel, a pretty expensive kind of horse that I don't know anything about, two miniature horses (one was 21 and the other 22 yrs old!), miniature goats, donkeys, and my favorite a Llama! :) :) :)

What a great community event.  I am so thankful there are groups of people that come together to support a cause like this.  I loved the fact that it was to benefit multiple causes (rather than just one) and that you were able to choose which to support or support all of them if you like! It was obvious this kind of event required a great deal of planning and work in advance as well as a large group of people coming together to make this happen.  It's great that this was in a rural setting, and of course right around the corner from my house! We are really enjoying being here.  I just think it is so creative that this event even exists.  But really this could be mimicked anywhere or something similar, just an idea for wherever you may be.

Happy Holidays

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