Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Hike to Mount Spokane

When we moved here to Spokane, we could not wait to go on a hike.  We drove to Mount Spokane one Saturday and hiked the summit trail through dense forest to bare rock high above.

We passed some hikers that were there to take a hike just like us.  And I also saw a lone hiker that seemed as if she was just there to get some great exercise.  What a lovely place to come alone, or with others.  The leaves were changing colors, and it was neither too hot or too cold.

One of our favorite things about the forest are the myriad of wonderful exotic scents.  And I love the silence.

By the time we got to this higher elevation, we were the only ones there.  It was nice to see no one else. At the summit there is an old stone building that is gorgeous.  From there you have breathtaking views.

 To many more hikes in 2014!


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