Sunday, June 8, 2014

Spokane ArtFest 2014 (5-30,5-31,6-1)

So this year was my first time ever attempting to do an art festival where I had a booth showing photography & painting.  I applied in January (before I knew I was pregnant), found out in April that I was accepted, and basically spent a little over a month and a half preparing for the art festival.

Let me say, I have a whole knew level of appreciation for artists who participate in art festivals.  It was a TON of work preparing (and probably so for me since this was my first time- everything was new).  But there is a lot that you have to/need to think about way beyond the art side of things.

I had to get a business tax ID number, set up a square account and test it so I could take credit card payments, set up excel spread sheets organizing my inventory, and keep track of all my "expenses."

After it was all said and done, I was happy I participated in the festival.  My husband was a HUGE help and we worked well together as a team.  This was also my FIRST opportunity to witness first hand with my very eyes people's reactions to my work! I have had art in "shows" before at galleries and even one museum, and a hospital, but never have I had the luxury of sitting there watching and listening to what people are saying about my work.  I have to say I was pleased with what I saw/heard, and the interest people showed.  It is encouraging.

But I will also say, a true artist does not make their art for anyone else except themselves.  It is a strange phenomenon.  I have a compelling yearning to make art.  Most of the time I have no idea or for what reason I am making a piece. I have no idea what I will do with it after it is finished.  It just makes me happy and content to make it.  I must say I have a lot of art hanging in my house! :)  And not just from me, but from other artists as well.

I must say it is also difficult to part with many pieces.  But I had to let go of that during this festival.  I sold 6 pieces.  And I must admit there were two pieces that I priced incredibly high because I don't ever want to part with them.

So I came away with a few assessments about this festival.  And I know each festival and audience is different.  I don't plan on applying to any more festivals till maybe next year or the year after because I will have a very young one with me :) Nevertheless, it was a great experience and I was happy to be apart of it.

~Shannon Murray

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